The right machine for every condition.
The world-renowned German brand of forage and harvest equipment has been producing quality and innovative gear for over 100 years. Krone has an extensive range of quality forage harvest equipment that has stood the test of time and has particular appeal to farmers and contractors alike.
Check out the full Krone product range including disc mowers, tedders, forage wagons as well as round and square balers.
Call us on 06-858 6041 or contact us to get a quote on Krone equipment that’s right for your needs.

Forage Wagon
Superior harvest capacity, delivering higher quality forage.
Self Loaders – AX, MX, RX, ZX
Forage Filled Wagons TX

Disc Mower
Disc Mowers help you harvest the highest quality of hay and forage in the shortest amount of time.
Front, side, rear mounted mowers. Mower Combinations.

Krone Balers offer cutting edge bale density
Bellima, Fortima, Comprima, Easy Wrap, BigPack ( Square)

Rotary Tedders
A full range of sizes and configurations
KW/KWT,KWT1300, KWT1600, KWT2000.
Vendro, Swardro – Side Delivery Rotor Rakes, Twin rotor rakes & 4-6 Rotor Rakes